Brunner Quinn currently has various pieces from local artist Wilfredo Calvo-Bono on display at their office in downtown Columbus. Mr. Calvo-Bono has displayed works previously at Capital University, The Ohio State University and Upper Arlington City Hall. He has also received grants on two separate occasions from the Pollock-Krasner Foundation. The artwork currently on display at Brunner Quinn consists of mixed media pieces and geometric deconstructionist work. The compositions will vary and will be rotated bi or tri-monthly at the discretion of the artist.

For more information on the artist or to view more of his work, please view his webpage at:


Biography of the Artist:

Wilfredo Calvo-Bono was born in New York City (1929) and raised in Cuba where he studied architecture at Havana University (1948-1954). Following graduation, he worked as an assistant professor at the Cathedra of Architecture Design. In 1968, he moved with his family to Madrid, Spain.

During his 3 years in Madrid, Calvo-Bono started his activities as a painter, supplementing his income by working for builders. In 1971, he and his family settled in the United States in Columbus, Ohio.

Studying the work of Albers, Mondrian, Bolotowsky and Diller, Calvo-Bono’s work gradually changed from representational paintings into painting more geometrized elements. At this time he also increased the use of acrylics in his work. He assembled all his geometric work in a series entitled “Possibilities Series” in the search for new forms of visual representation. His non-geometric work is also compiled in a series entitled “Bad and Sad Series”, which seeks to combat the social challenges in our world and bring them to the forefront.

Calvo-Bono also has created mixed-media and 3-D pieces after becoming acquainted with the Derrida Deconstruction Philosophy, which questions past rules and regulations. In this manner, the artist’s third series, the “Independent Series” was born, formed by single elements with non-conventional shapes. After receiving his grants from the Pollock-Krasner Foundation, Calvo-Bono explored the use of Plexiglas as supporting material in his works.

Currently, the artist is working with Plexiglas to create more pieces for his “Possibilities Series”. His most recent works focus on the creation of cubes and boxes with the Plexiglas, creating floating effects with diagrams and painted areas.